HPV Vaccine Resources

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  • HPV is so common that almost everyone will be infected with HPV at some point in their lives, however, most people will never know they have been infected.
  • Nearly 80 million people, that is about 1 in 4 people, are currently infected (in the USA) with HPV.
  • HPV exposure can occur with anyĀ type ofĀ intimate sexual contact.
  • In the U.S.A. HPV causes about 17,000 cancers in women and about 9,000 cancers in men each year.
  • There is a vaccine that can help protect us from the HPV cancer-causing virus.

Low HPV vaccination rates are leaving another generation of boys and girls vulnerable to devastating HPV cancers. Vaccination could prevent most of these cancers. We are looking to you to make a strong recommendation for HPV vaccination when kids starting at age 9.

Below you will find resources available for download and TAPI also has these items available free to order. For additional resources you can click here to be directed to the CDC HPV resources on their website.

TAPI HPV Resources (Medical and Dental)

Bilingual Flyer

Bilingual Flyer

Bilingual Flyer

Other Provider Resources

National HPV Vaccination Roundtable Resources

CDC Clinician Resource Page

CDC HPV 10 Tips for HPV Vaccination Success

Tips for Talking to Parents

Contact TAPI with questions regarding our Teen Vaccine/HPV Vaccine Campaign materials at 602.288.7568 or TAPIAdmin@TAPI.org.

Because HPV vaccine IS cancer prevention and YOU are the key.

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Stay home if you are sick

Avoid close contact with
sick people and wear a mask

Cover your nose and mouth
when you sneeze

Wash your hands often

Clean and disinfect

Stay up to date on your vaccinations